
6年ぶりの自由の女神 Statue of Liberty

Whenever I go to statue of Liberty, I should take photo like this!! 芝生で気持ちよさそうに寝転ぶお姉さま方。でも鳥のフンがいっぱい落ちてます www
Girls are laying in glass flield,,, but there is lots of bird's XXX there.
"Red Cube" - by Isamu Nobuchi, everybody took photo like this!! www
Photo at, New York Stock Exchange. There is a lot of US flags!!

Pre Paidしてないと1時間半待ちのアナウンスが11時の時点で流れていました(!!)
Today is warm and nice weather in New York. I rid liberty cruise from Battery Park.
I booked pre paid ticket via online system so I don't have to line to ride cruise, it's cool system!
If I haven't pre paid, I have to wait one hour and a half hour!!
I have rid liberty cruise 6 years ago, I still feel "This is New York" when I come to this place.
I can spend a half day here if weather permit.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi!What brings you start to write here in English?

  2. I put blog link to facebook page and there is some english speaker on it, that's why I started to write in English. :)
