
ホームパーティ Home Party

I enjoyed home party with my friends. It's really fun cooking and thinking about menu.
いんげんの胡麻和え sesame marinated beans, バンバンジーサラダ Chicken salad with gelatin noodles and cucumber marinated home made dressing そら豆の塩茹で boiled fava bean, 野菜のディップ carrot and boiled beans, mayonnaise dip with sasame flavored, 冷奴 Chilled Tofu
I cooked also flyed prawn in chili sauce, but I drank too much and it's really looks yammy, I forgot to take photos.
3人のうちお酒のみが2人で、2人でビール缶2本とスパークリングワインボトル2本空けてました・・・。私が買ったのは、スペインのCava。1+1=3(ウ・メス・ウ・ファン・トレス)。http://www.nouvellesselections.com/winery/detail.php?post_id=1000128 一本16ドル位でお手ごろ。辛口。
There is 3 people but a friend of mine didn't drink, so just I and my friend drank off 2 beer and 2 bottles of sparking wine.....
I bought Cava, 1+1=3 "u mes u fan tres". It was $15.50, it was nice,a little bit dry! http://www.umesufan3.com/

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