Bird made their nest on the light.

I imagined the story "Wizard of Oz" when I saw this tree.
少し良くなって、外を少し歩きました。街灯も鳥の格好の巣作りの場になったようで・・・。 今はシューマッハカレッジがあるトネス(Totnes)で起こっている運動について書かれている本を読み始めました。英語が不器用な私でもわかりやすい言葉で書かれています。「The Transition Handbook - From oil dependency to local resilience-」 まだ5ページ目位ですが・・・ :D
I was sick since yesterday, I took sick leave today. I thought it is sign for rest my body so I didn't drink alcohol tonight! :D
It was boring to sleeping in bed and I read books Japanese Manga,Ithi-Harsa, and transrated into Japanease Communion with God. I read before several times but I feel different idea from books.
I walked around near my house, and found bird nest in the light, what a nice place to them!
Tonight, I try to read ,The Transition Handbook - From oil dependency to local resilience-, this book is written about transition town totnes movement in easy word even non-native english speaker like me... I have read 5 pages now! :D
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