散歩が終わってから、Fort LeeのFairway Marketに買い物に。なんとこごみが売っていてアメリカで山菜に出会えるとは嬉しくって買って調理しました。塩で茹でてアク抜きをして砂糖、しょうゆ、ごま油、すりゴマで味付け。かなりイケルつまみになりました(笑)。おてんとう様に感謝です。
After foot care, I went to Park during waiting to finish up washing clothes. It is perfect weather today! What a beautiful sky it is! I sang Japanese Song " we are alive!".
After washing, I went to Fairway market and I found native vegetables that I ate in Japan. I am glad to find that, and bought and cooked. I cooked boil with salt boiled water and marinated soy and sugar and sesame and sesame oil. Thank you for Nature.
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