ボストンの最初の夕食は、地元の方に教えていただいた B&G Oysters。魚介類が新鮮で地元のアメリカ人に人気のお店。予約しないと座れません。(入れません)
I went to " B & G Oysters" restaurant for the first night in Boston. They served fresh seafood and delicious menu, it is recommended to book before you go. I booked day before , so I have only two choice at 5 pm or 9:45 pm! I choose 5 pm for dinner and after having dinner, I could go to Boston ballet theater to see " Sleeping beauty".

Fried oysters with tartar sauce. what a beautiful presentation! look this!
that looks so tasty! I love oyster and lobster! Fride oyster looks very tasty.
返信削除When I visit Boston, I went china town to eat black beans oyster.
Kayo-san, You should come to US and let`s go to Boston!
返信削除In summer there is music festival near Boston. And in NY there is Oysterbay in Long Island... :D