I enjoyed home party with my friends. It's really fun cooking and thinking about menu.

I cooked also flyed prawn in chili sauce, but I drank too much and it's really looks yammy, I forgot to take photos.
I cooked also flyed prawn in chili sauce, but I drank too much and it's really looks yammy, I forgot to take photos.
3人のうちお酒のみが2人で、2人でビール缶2本とスパークリングワインボトル2本空けてました・・・。私が買ったのは、スペインのCava。1+1=3(ウ・メス・ウ・ファン・トレス)。http://www.nouvellesselections.com/winery/detail.php?post_id=1000128 一本16ドル位でお手ごろ。辛口。
There is 3 people but a friend of mine didn't drink, so just I and my friend drank off 2 beer and 2 bottles of sparking wine.....
I bought Cava, 1+1=3 "u mes u fan tres". It was $15.50, it was nice,a little bit dry! http://www.umesufan3.com/
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